
Are “wanderlust” and “adventurous” synonyms?

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Are "wanderlust" and "adventurous"' synonyms?

Travel bloggers, media and readers have created this weird yet real illusion that all the travelers are backpackers looking forward to camp in a forest deep inside South East Asia, or are looking forward to hike and live surrounded by wildlife in organic farms. I think that the first problem when it comes to travel is trying to think there is a general traveler profile, and even worse, thinking that all the travelers are looking for adventure.

In fact, the internet is a place filled with wonderful stories of travelers who have made amazing trails and have connected with natives tribes all around the world, but is not the only way to skip “all that tourist life” most travelers avoid. It is a pretty complex issue, but being adventurous is something that have to do with many other things inside — even though that traveling makes a perfect scenario for letting your adventurous self out.

Adventurous or…?


There are travelers who are out there praising the city life. Not that glamorous city life tourism is always trying to sell, but that city life of living among locals. Here in Puerto Rico we got a lot of those, who came once, fell in love with the island and decided later on to become more than travelers.
There are travelers who go anywhere just to find that unique taste they have been craving for. If you ask me, when I hear the name of a place I have been, the most unique flavor I have tasted in the specific place comes to mind. For example, when I think about Slovenia I remember “Borovnicevec” or when I think about Stockholm, Sweden I think about a White Hot Chocolate.

Meanwhile, I have a friend who have always thought spending her money on food is not worth it, and everywhere she goes she would buy clothes, accessories and some piece of art. Would you say that we are “adventurous” as the way the internet have defined the adventurer travelers? I am sure many of you will think we are actually not.

How do I consider myself?


This is the thing: I do consider myself a traveler, filled with an endless wanderlust, but no, I am not afraid to say that I am not an adventurous person. I am that kind of person that, when buying a new electronic, would not even take the plastic wrap off of it. I love going everywhere, but the last activity I would look forward to is to camp or hike. Is not that I do not respect what you guys do, is just that is not what makes me connect with the heart of the place I am visiting.

As I have previously expressed, my traveling experience is always connected, definitely, with food, with walking in the streets just wandering around, with getting inside a Metro even if I am not sure which will be my next stop, with getting to Museums and crying just looking at art. My traveling experience neither is connected to luxury, to spas, to fine dining. I would not even look up for a concept in the dictionary to describe my wanderlust, but if there is one thing I am sure, is that I would not dare to call myself an adventurer.

All my respects for you, adventurers and luxury travelers! Internet: This is just a little reflection on how we always, tend to generalize with different topics.

And you? What kind of traveler do you consider yourself?

Are "wanderlust" and "adventurous"' synonyms?

Brenda: + 34 years old + Puerto Rican + Viajera Boricua + Master in Cultural Tourism + Foreign Language Major + Hispanic Studies Minor + Portuguese + Italian + Russian + Literature Freak + ♥’s Indie Music + Volleyball Enthusiast + Tricolor do Morumbi(SPFC) + San Antonio Spurs +


  • February 10, 2016

    Great post! I would consider myself quite like you-not super adventurous, but definitely an adventurous eater and wanderer! For example, when I was in Boquete, Panama the majority of people were doing a night hike up a volcano. Maybe there used to be a time where I would have pushed myself to do it and been miserable, but now I know myself well enough to pass. It’s just not one of my interests! It’s important to know what you like and do that! Travel isn’t one size fits all 🙂 (BTW I went to Puerto Rico for the first time a couple months ago and loved it!!)

  • February 10, 2016

    I agree, travel can mean so many different things to everyone. I travel my own backyard as much as exotic locations. Get out and experience everything the world has to offer – that is how I travel. That is my adventure.

  • February 10, 2016

    Great post. It really made me smile.

  • February 11, 2016

    I’m trying to think of a word that describes the type of traveler I am. I have never been super adventurous, but in comparison to a lot of my stateside friends, I am. In my youth, it was just the way I grew up, and I didn’t think much about the risks until I went “home” for university and discovered not everyone had gone through the same experiences. Now, I’m older and wiser, definitely more cautious, alert and aware, but still trying new things.

    Thanks for a thought-provoking post!

  • February 11, 2016

    I’ve actually never thought about this distinction before! I just googled the “real” definition of adventurous and it says this: not afraid to do new and dangerous or exciting things. Hmmm… so I would have called myself adventurous before this because I do try to push myself to new things outside my comfort zone (including some questionable, perhaps dangerous things haha) but can anyone be truly 100% “not afraid”? Because sometimes, I’m TERRIFIED. But I still do it. Really great post, Brenda!

  • February 15, 2016

    The beauty of Travel – something to fit anyone’s travel style. I am more of an “experience wanderer” myself, not doing anything dangerous but continually meeting new people and trying new things!

  • February 15, 2016

    I think everyone has a different style of travel. Ours is different to most as we drag two kids around with us which means a mix of kids and adult activities. we are just as likely to go to a UNESCO site for history and a theme park lol

  • February 15, 2016

    Love this! I would say I am NOT an adventurous eater. I am very picky, although I always try to work on that and try something new. I like to do adventurous activities. Hiking, snorkeling, bungee jumping, camping, etc! The adventure for me is just experiencing and being open to new things.


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